Baby bluebirds at Cummington Wildlife
I Want to Help Wildlife in My Community

Welcome to spring time! Now is the time of year when people enjoy the wonders of nature in their own backyards. It is also a time when people and wildlife may come together. Here are ten simple ways to make these interactions positive for both wildlife and people.

  1. Walk through your lawn or garden area before using your lawn equipment. Make sure that there are no bunny or bird nests in your yard. It only takes a couple of weeks for these babies to grow up and leave the nest. Please keep pets away from them and give them a chance to grow up.

  2. Keep birds from hitting your windows and glass doors with inexpensive bird decals on the glass. This reduces the reflection that often causes fatal bird window hits. These bird decals can be purchased at local stores, such as Backyard Birds in Northampton.

  3. Avoid using pesticides and herbicides on your lawn. Remember that birds can't read the "Keep off the Lawn" signs. Birds suffer painful deaths after ingesting insects that have been contaminated with lethal poisons. There are non-toxic alternatives available for your yard.

  4. Winter storms have caused damage to many trees. Before you have tree work done, check for bird nests and small mammal cavity nests. There will be time for tree work after the nests are empty. Did you know that dead trees provide homes for a wide variety of wildlife?

  5. The bears are out of hibernation and very hungry. Now is the time to take down your bird feeders to avoid bear versus people conflicts.

  6. Secure any trash containers that will attract wildlife. Raccoons might try to find their dinner from your waste.

  7. Please don't litter when enjoying the outdoors. It is not only unattractive, but is a hazard to wildlife. This includes the proper disposal of fishing gear, such as lines and hooks.

  8. Drive carefully and watch for wildlife crossing the road. Many collisions with wildlife can be avoided if you drive with alertness.

  9. Cats and dogs naturally engage in hunting and "playing" with wildlife. Protect wildlife by ensuring domestic pets remain indoors or under outdoor supervision.

  10. Teach your children to respect wildlife and leave nature undisturbed. Encourage curiosity about the natural world and the value of sharing our planet with different species.

Above all, take the time to walk around outside and feel the peacefulness from co-existing with nature.

Cummington Wildlife, Inc.